sustainability as a mindset

Episode #4: Sinem Çelik in Conversation with Orsola de Castro

In this episode of Sustainability as a Mindset ’74PODCAST Series, a true pioneer in the industry, founder of the Fashion Revolution movement Orsola de Castro talks to Sinem Çelik about her journey of creating a positive impact through sustainable and responsible fashion. De Castro and Çelik discuss the definition of sustainable design and waste as

douglas mcmaster sinem celik sustainability as a mindset 74podcast seventyfour

Episode #3: Sinem Çelik in Conversation with Douglas McMaster

In the third episode “Sustainability as a Mindset“, the Owner and Head Chef at SILO, Douglas McMaster talks to Sinem Çelik about the journey of his zero-waste restaurant SILO, and himself as a committed chef. They discuss the relationship between industrialism and nature, and his four different perspectives on waste, and how SILO sees waste

tuna ozcuhadar sinem celik 74podcast

Episode #2: Sinem Çelik in Conversation with Tuna Özçuhadar

In the second episode of ’74PODCAST Series “Sustainability as a Mindset”, sustainability designer Tuna Özçuhadar talks to Sinem Çelik about how humans try to function within the ever-changing dynamic systems that we inhabit. Özçuhadar discusses that the existence of human civilization heavily depends on how well we understand universal laws and natural cycles while shaping our

sinem çelik podcast sue barrett

Episode #1: Sinem Çelik in Conversation with Sue Barrett

In the first episode of the new ’74PODCAST Series “Sustainability as a Mindset”, creative strategist and advisor Sue Barrett talks to Sinem Çelik about making business and life choices towards sustainability, and the mind shift that upholds vulnerability and empathy over statistics. Çelik and Barrett discuss the definition of sustainability beyond the limits of the buzzword as well


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