Episode #4: Sinem Çelik in Conversation with Orsola de Castro

In this episode of Sustainability as a Mindset ’74PODCAST Series, a true pioneer in the industry, founder of the Fashion Revolution movement Orsola de Castro talks to Sinem Çelik about her journey of creating a positive impact through sustainable and responsible fashion. De Castro and Çelik discuss the definition of sustainable design and waste as a valuable resource. She also gives us tips to launch our own journey to a sustainable future by making small changes in our lives.

“For me, there is a clear distinction between what is waste and what is wasted. Waste is something that really cannot be recuperated. Waste is something which ought to be transformed into or downcycled into something else. But waste, as we see it in the fashion industry, is far from that.”

– ORSOLA DE CASTRO, Founder & Global Creative Director of Fashion Revolution


“I’ve been working in the sustainable fashion area as a consultant and lecturer for over four years, and from the beginning, my biggest inspiration and motivation was dear Orsola de Castro, it is a real honor for me to be hosting her on this episode.”

– SİNEM ÇELİK, Sustainability Change Agent, Founder of BluProjects

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