Ruediger Glatz | Photographer

For years ruedione aka Ruediger Glatz was an active graffiti writer himself and the documentation of his works led him to photography. Ruediger Glatz says that passion, obsession and even addiction connects him to the medium and by now he exclusively uses the camera for his works.

A visual expedition into a world that usually is restricted to the members of a very small scene. Ruediger Glatz ‘s documentary photography creates contemporary documents meets abstract snapshots that are distinguished by their independent aesthetics.

Last week we shared his Istanbul snapshots during his visit to Nicolas Pol’s “EPEKTASIS” exhibition.

And now we are pleased to share his As to our Qs!

When are you happiest?
While I am with good friends having a good conversation or while I shoot images or while i have amazing food but of course when all 3 points come together.

What motivates you?
It is mostly a challenge, a great moment or even competition, that pushes me to get going.

Which city or cities are centers of creativity and inspiration for you?
This clearly is New York City. I love the speed and the energy of Manhattan.

For you, what does Istanbul stand for?
Development/Progress & Deep History.

What do you think about the city (cities) you live in ?
I live in the beautiful town of Heidelberg in the south of Germany. It is located in between Frankfurt and Stuttgart and has only 150.000 inhabitants. It is my home, that appreciate a lot. Things are moving slower than in New York or Istanbul, but the same time you can focus better since, there is less distraction. I always call it “happy world” since crime only exists on a small level.

What’s your current source of inspiration?
Right now I am in New York and the city itself, as mentioned, inspires me. Even though I get very much inspired while I shoot and while I talk to the people, who I shoot.

Your most memorable journey?
I travel a lot and luckily many/most of my journeys were memorable…even though I had these two great journeys in a row. I was traveling with my best friends, who are my brother Wolfram and business partner Thilo. We traveled within 2-3 weeks once to Vegas/Death/USA Valley and than to Novosibirsk/Siberia/Russia to shoot a campaign for spraypaint, that we used in the hot and in the cold. Each trip took 2-3 days and after a successful shoot we had a great night partying.

Your favorite place to visit to get ideas?
The ideas for my personal work, come while I work on the projects and while I talk to people about it. So there is no specific place, that gives especially ideas.

Your most cherished possession?
I try to have no possession, that would make me cry, once I loose it, since I consider everything in life as temporary company.
…but I do love my cameras and especially my LEICA M9s.

Who or what inspired you to become a photographer?
I used to be a graffiti writer and over the development of my business around `97, I didn´t find the time no more to go out at night and to paint. By coincidence I found photography being my medium of expression. It was the need to bring back a creative outlet to my life.

Key moment in your life?
For sure the birth of my son…the sale of my first company, my first show…but there were many…of course on different levels.

Favorite photographer of all times?
There is no such for me, but would consider MAGNUM with many of it´s photographers, being a great group of photographers, than Richard Avedon, Helmut Newton, Eugene W. Smith, David Burnett, Michael Ackermann,…and could name a few more great photographers.

How will you be remembered?
It is my job right now to work on that and to create something, that makes me and my work memorable.
..hopefully great guy/great work.

What can’t you live without?

What’s on repeat on your iPod?
I am pretty crazy when it come to this, as I can loop a track sometimes for days and drive others around me nuts. A few of the last tracks were “Somebody That I Used to Know” by Gotye, “A Drowning” by How to Destroy Angels or “The Truth Will Always Be” by the Pat Metheney Group.

Names of people whom you think revolutionized the art world?
Out of my view probably Marcel Duchamp…but I am far away of being an expert.

What is the trait you most deplore about yourself?
This is pretty hard to say for me, since I do have quite a passion for myself.
…I am pretty driven, but I like that.
…I can be very impatient, but it makes me going the same time.

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